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A Greenwood® can save you 70% on your annual heating bill. And did I mention that you can turn up the heat in your home as well, without worrying about your heating bill?

Less wood splitting

Splitting wood is great exercise, if you like that kind of thing. However, I can think of better ways to spend my time.

With your Greenwood, there is no need to split your wood, leaving time for more important things.

If the wood fits – it will burn.

More forgiving

Burning wet wood is not a good idea – period, but it might happen sometimes. A Greenwood has 750 lbs (340 kg) of heat soaked refractory to help keep the fire burning hot and clean during those odd times when the fuel is a bit wetter than it should be.

Works with your existing system

A Greenwood® seamlessly connects with your existing heating system and satisfies all of your space and hot water needs. You adjust the temperature from your existing thermostat. Most homeowners load the boiler twice a day and empty the ash out 1x a month.

Simple operation. Big savings.

Peace of mind

When was the last time you felt free to turn up your thermostat and not worry about the cost? With a Greenwood®, you can turn up your heat AND save $1,000’s a year on your heating bill.

Goodbye drafts. Goodbye high heating bills.

Hello comfort and peace of mind.

More comfortable

When was the last time you felt free to turn up your thermostat and not worry about the cost?

With a Greenwood, you can turn up your heat AND save $1,000’s a year on your heating bill. Goodbye drafts. Goodbye high heating bills. Hello comfort and peace of mind.

Less cleaning

In other company’s models cleaning is a daily activity, however with your Greenwood®, the firebox requires attention only once every 3-4 weeks depending on the quality of the wood you burn.

Pleasantly clean

Have you ever wondered why other systems only show the outside of their appliance? Candidly, it is because they are a sticky, smelly creosote mess on the inside.


With a Greenwood, you get the warm and inviting hearth experience you love about wood heating. Open the door of Greenwood and enjoy the one-of-kind eGlow experience.


Your Greenwood® has a brain.

Well, actually it has an on-board computer. It checks itself out, it monitors what you burn and makes adjustments. It even let’s you know when something may be going wrong. And that’s not all … because it has a brain, it can learn.

You should see what we are teaching it to do.