Enjoy the comfort and convenience of modern wood-fired central heating
The wait is over! Act now and enjoy the comfort of a wood fired central heating system, so clean and efficient, it is the only wood boiler allowed for sale in Washington State.
You will never look at wood heat the same way again!
The wait is over! Act now and enjoy the comfort of a wood fired central heating system, so clean and efficient, it is the only wood boiler allowed for sale in Washington State.

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The wait is over! Act now and enjoy the comfort of a wood fired central heating system, so clean and efficient, it is the only wood boiler allowed for sale in Washington State. 

The Reinvention
of the Wood Boiler

Greenwood® Frontier Series is a modern, wood gasification boiler that burns fuel so completely it leaves almost no smoke, creosote or ash.

When installed in a radiant, baseboard or forced-air heating system, the boiler can reduce heating bills by 70 percent.

Greenwood FrontierCX Wood Boiler
Greenwood Less Work

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Designed with you in mind, there is no need to split wood; high temperatures in the firebox eliminate build-up and reduce ash to amounts that require attention just once a month.

Greenwood economy

Saves Money

With a Greenwood, you can take control of your heating bill and save up to 70% on your heating costs while turning up your thermostat.

Greenwood Low Emissions

Low Emissions

The Greenwood Frontier Series meets strict EPA and Washington State air quality standards. The Greenwood Frontier has also received an A+ European Ecodesign Rating — the new gold-standard. 


The Greenwood Frontier Series redefines the meaning of high-efficiency heating – Converting up to 88% of the energy in wood fuel to usable heat in your home.

Greenwoodusa eglow experience

EglowTM Experience

Open the door of a Greenwood® and witness the radiant transformation of wood to pure energy – an experience so mesmerizing; we had to give it a name.

Greenwoodusa certified safety

Certified Safety

Each Greenwood appliance is certified for indoor operation by an independent agency to ETL, CSA and European standards.

Greenwood Frontier CX wood boilers include:

Greenwoodusa interior ports

Crossfire™ Combustion System

Conceived with American innovation, this advanced combustion system is the modern high performance engine that delivers the clean and efficient operation you expect from a Greenwood.

Greenwoodusa circuit

Intelligent Control

The Greenwood Boiler Management System continuously monitors boiler performance and uses a predictive control to ensure peak boiler operation.

Greenwoodusa frontier door

SmokeGuard™ System

Drawing air through the firebox door, the Greenwood SmokeGuard™ System keeps your room free of unwanted smoke and gasses when the firebox is open.

Save up to 70% on your heating bills!

What our Owners say

Our customers love their Greenwood, but don’t take our word for it.
Here are what a few typical owners have to say.

“An entire home can be heated all day long with just two logs!”

– Joe D.
Bainbridge Island, WA

“It will pay for itself in less than three (3) years!”

– Ed W.
Carnation, WA

“I flat out love this boiler! My house has never been so warm.”

– Dan K.
Galway, NY

Recent News & Posts

Here’s what we are working on and thinking about.

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wood fired central heating

How Can Wood Fired Central Heating Help Your Home In Winter?

Staying cozy and warm during winter is always a priority, especially with harsh downpours and unpredictable sprinkles of snow on the weather forecast. In order to prepare for this, having wood fired central heating can actually benefit your home in many ways come winter season. Standard boilers can often be unreliable, and can lead to

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A Little Known Fact About Forest Fires and CO2

Wildfire season is ablaze in the United States with fires raging from Arizona to Texas to Florida. The US Forest Service has again marshaled its resources to battle the annual outbreaks. A lot is discussed about the devastation these fires have on property and wildlife, but little is often shared about the impact on greenhouse

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