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Meet the innovators of the Greenwood Frontier Series wood boiler. Leveraging our experience at Boeing, Microsoft, Atlantic Richfield, Philips & many of the world’s leading biomass appliance manufacturers, we’re bringing wood-fired central heating into the 21st century and creating a more sustainable forest community economy.


President/CEO & Co-founder

Michael is a senior business development executive with 20+ years experience building successful ventures valued at $500M+ with leading companies that include Boeing, 3M Corporation, Ernst & Young, Philips and G&K Services. At Greenwood Technologies, he drove dealer and consumer marketing, regulatory affairs and product development, establishing Greenwood as the recognized market leader in less than three years. Michael has degrees in engineering physics from University of Wisconsin and MBA in operations from the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota.

German Burtscher

Business Development & Co-founder

German is a seasoned sales and business development executive with over 25+ years in management roles; has built and managed large account management organizations; built organizations from early stage to IPO. At GWT, he led the channel development to 140 dealer locations and 1400 annual units sold in its 3rd year. German graduated from the University of Austria in Innsbruck and received his economics degree from the University of Austria in Graz.

Arnie Hendricks

Finance & Accounting

Arnie brings 25+ years providing financial control and stewardship to growing organizations, ensuring a scalable organization is supported through effective and scalable teams, processes and systems. Arnie brings tight monetary policy and operational mindset with deep experience in creating stable company operations. For the past 19 years he has independently consulted with over 150 companies, helping them achieve and sustain profitable growth. Arnie has a degree from Western Washington University and is a Certified Management Accountant.

Doug Denton

Product Management & Co-founder

Doug brings 20+ years leading interdisciplinary teams in developing, launching and managing products for energy and technology businesses that include energy pioneer Atlantic Richfield, Dow Jones and International Technology Consultants. More recently he managed Greenwood Technologies’ market leading residential and commercial biomass boiler product lines. Doug has a B.A. from Middlebury College and an M.A. from The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) of Johns Hopkins University.

Bryan Louviere

Channel Management & Support, Co-founder

Bryan brings 30+ years successfully building sales, support and operational teams with firms that include Pacific Bell, Critical Path, and British Telecom. He has been influential in building and preserving relationships with energy titans Exxon and Standard Oil. More recently at GWT, he managed the early implementation of over 2000 units and ensured customer feedback was used in product teams. Bryan has a degree from McNeese State University and graduate marketing certification from U.C. Berkeley.

European Leadership

Our European leadership manages the activities in the United Kingdom and across Continental Europe and is responsible for achieving goals, establishing policies and delivering results.

Craig Butler

Managing Director

Craig managed a complete nationwide business unit for one of the UK’s leading rural heating specialists (AGA- Rangemaster –WSL) before leaving to team up with Greenwood. Craig has developed a network of more than 80 dealers and 100 installation partners resulting in dramatic growth in revenue. Craig manages the day-to-day operations of Greenwood Europe, Ltd and all of its commercial efforts. Craig is an integral part of the Greenwood Clean Energy team in Seattle.

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