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Warm Welcome

Your thermostat just turned up the heat, so you are greeted by a warm house as your Greenwood brings your home to a comfortable 70°F (21°C). You are also looking forward to a hot shower to start your day right.



Quick Reload

As you prepare to leave the house, you take a quick glance at the weather and spend a minute or two to put some wood into your Greenwood, giving it wood fuel to keep your house warm for the day.



Taking Care of Business

While you are away, the Greenwood boiler automatically adjusts to the heating needs of your home.

When that cold front moves through, the Greenwood comes back to life and delivers the heat your home needs to be cozy and warm when you return.



Quick Check

After pressing the SmokeGuard™ button, you open the door of your Greenwood to soak in the radiant heat after a cold day. If needed, you might toss in a couple pieces of wood.



Goodnight Greenwood

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After letting the Greenwood burn down overnight, you spend 5 minutes removing the ash that has accumulated over the past month. You are thrilled that your days of daily maintenance are behind you.

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