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Woodstove Change Out Campaign

EPA, June 2005 — "Approximately 10 million wood stoves are currently in use in the United States, and 80 to 90% of them are older, inefficient, conventional stoves that pollute. During a wood stove change out campaign, consumers receive financial incentives (rebates) to replace older stoves with either non-wood burning equipment (for example, vented gas stoves) or EPA certified wood stoves. EPA certified wood stoves emit 60% to 80% less pollution than older, conventional wood stoves."

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The Montana Standard, February 2005 — "A new boiler that runs on wood chips is saving big money in Philipsburg schools, where the district's January heating expense plunged to a mere $467 compared to a bone-chilling December bill of $8,000."

EPA Promoting Sales of "Green" Wood Stoves

(January, 2005) — In some quarters, burning wood is a very controversial topic. Too many people have and continue to suffer the ill effects of smoke and air pollution caused by dirty-burning wood stoves and boilers.

Outdoor wood boilers heating up local conversations

Watertown Daily Times, January 2005 — "As gas prices inch up, citizens are beginning to take a closer look at other natural resources often found right in their back yard to keep warm on cold winter days and nights.

Home Heating - Oil versus Wood

Robert Paterson's Blog, November 2004 — "How do you insulate yourself from the high risk of ever higher oil prices? ... Our response? Go with wood."

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Maine Department of Environmental Protection, June 2003 — "Is the rising price of fuel getting to you? Are you looking for alternatives to oil that don't involve the mess and hassle handing wood inside? A new heating technology hitting the market might seem to offer a solution. It's the option of burning wood in a outdoor wood boiler."

Outdoor Wood Furnaces

Woodweb Forum — Does anyone had experience with outdoor "water stoves" (Taylor, Central, etc.)?

Outdoor Boilers ... Today's Most Controversial Wood Heating Technology

Woodheat.org — The concept certainly has its appeal: locate the wood-fired boiler in a small insulated shed some distance from the house and run water pipes under ground to transfer heat for both space and water heating. Over the past ten years more and more people have chosen outdoor boilers.

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