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Biomass Thermal Energy Council (BTEC)

The Biomass Thermal Energy Council (BTEC) is a non-profit association dedicated to advancing the use of biomass for heat and other thermal energy applications. BTEC is an association of biomass fuel producers, appliance manufacturers and distributors, supply chain companies and non-profit organizations that view biomass thermal energy as a renewable, responsible, clean and energy-efficient pathway to meeting America’s energy needs. BTEC engages in research, education, and public advocacy for the fast growing biomass thermal energy industry.

Hearth, Patio and Barbeque Association (HPBA)

HPBA is an international trade association first established in 1980 to represent and promote the interests of the hearth products industry in North America. The Association includes manufacturers, retailers, distributors, manufacturers' representatives, service and installation firms, and other companies and individuals - all having business interests in and related to the hearth, patio, and barbecue products industry. HPBA's members products include: - factory-built fireplaces, gas logs, inserts, and accessories - wood, pellet, coal, and gas stoves - barbecues, grills, and accessories - patio furniture and accessories

Radiant Professionals Alliance (RPA)

An association of manufacturers, distributors, designers, dealers and installers of radiant panel heating and cooling systems and components. To facilitate communication and cooperation among those interested in the advancement of the radiant panel heating and cooling industry primarily in North America.

Wood Heat Organization

The Wood Heat Organization is a non-profit, non-governmental agency dedicated to the responsible use of wood as a home heating fuel. Beginning with the premise that heating a house with wood, partly or totally, is environmentally appropriate (when done properly) and economically beneficial. Wood heating can be done poorly or well. Wood can be harvested poorly, burned dirty and its heat wasted. Or, wood can be harvested sustainably, burned cleanly and efficiently, and its energy used to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming. You will find support for your efforts to use wood responsibly. This resource clears up some misconceptions about wood heating and provides a balanced view of the merits of wood heating.

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