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Customer Profile:
2,200 sq ft farm house
In-floor radiant & hot water
Bainbridge Island, WA USA

Before Greenwood:
Felt guilty about propane use and would rather have been cold.

After Greenwood:
Enjoying the comfort of 70+ degrees.

Greenwood Installation:
Greenwood Frontier CX
Installed in a breezeway (in-house)
Attached to a radiant in-floor heating

Why Tammy and Joe Recommend the Greenwood Frontier CX:
Energy-efficient and eco-friendly
Works well with other renewable energy alternatives
It is an affordable heating option

Tammy and Joe love their remote Bainbridge Island, Washington home. Nestled among tall trees, their two building property is just steps away from the Puget Sound and looks back on the Seattle skyline.

During the process of remodeling, they were looking for solutions to move further away from fossil fuels. As early adopters of solar thermal and solar PVC, they were well versed in the benefits of renewable energy with the source of the energy they use being very important to them.

”We cannot just rely on the utility company to make changes,” says Tammy when referring to their local utility which still gets a majority of its energy from fossil fuels.

When the couple saw the Greenwood boiler, they saw a great opportunity to upgrade their boiler and install in-floor radiant heating.

Feeling the pinch of a $4,500 annual propane bill, Ed began looking at alternatives that would help trim this cost. Living in a forested area where wood was plentiful, he looked into wood boilers.

But a big selling point was the boiler’s efficiency. An entire home can be heated all day with just two logs.

”We had a propane heater and there were times I felt more comfortable keeping the thermostat at 67 degrees rather than burning more fuel!” Tammy laughed. “Now I can keep it above 70 and not feel guilty!”

Combined with the energy efficient appliances and solar energy they use, the Greenwood boiler was an easy decision to add to their eco-conscious home.

As an advocate of alternative solutions like the Greenwood boiler, Tammy worries that many people think they’re just not economical. “It’s important for everyone to know just how much more affordable it is.”