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If you’ve ever wondered what, exactly, happens inside a Greenwood boiler, allow us to walk you through our patented CrossFire™ combustion system that makes possible this incredible super-efficient heating source. The key to the CrossFire™ system is the second combustion. Humans have harnessed the power of the first combustion for thousands of years—everyone, even children, […]

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Wood Burning Versus Pellet Burning

Pellet and wood burning stoves are two bio-mass options for clean-burning fuel. How do you know which is right for your home? Frontier Series Wood Boiler The Frontier Series is out signature wood boiler—the most capable wood boiler ever, it will guarantee your home decades of warmth and efficiency. The Frontier boiler will convert up […]

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The Importance of Chimney Care

A Greenwood wood boiler is the most efficient, cleanly-burning option for heating your entire home and all your hot water, but they do still produce some exhaust, and you’ll need a chimney or flue in your home. We’ve noticed that sometimes people don’t realize that care and upkeep chimney—though they’re one of the lowest-maintenance features […]

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How to Stack Your Firewood

Splitting, stacking, and storing firewood is one of the greatest joys of sustainable, traditional living. There’s nothing quite like swinging an axe and putting wood away for winter to make you feel connected to the natural environment or to centuries of human legacy. However, in today’s modern world, many of us didn’t actually grow up […]

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