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Guide to Buying Firewood

Buying your first cords of firewood can be an intimidating process. The units of measurement are unfamiliar, you might not know what to get, or who to get it from. Here’s a little advice from Greenwood for you “green” firewood buyers out there. 1.) Buy Local Though you can buy firewood at retailers like Lowes, […]

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Are Oil Companies Endangering California’s Water Supply?

The Center for Biological Diversity and the Sierra Club filed a suit against the Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR), a Californian regulatory body that allegedly allows oil drillers to pump contaminated water back into aquifers. California oil drillers have been receiving a lot of negative attention lately on the environmental front, with LA residents […]

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Wood Burning For Home Heating? Redmond Company Says Yes

Washington Manufacturing Alert The Newsletter of the State’s Most Important Industry Vol. 7, Issue 23 | November 2, 2015 Greenwood Clean Energy: Europe Is A Prime Market For Its Products by BILL VIRGIN Editor/Publisher  In the realm of home heating technology, wood as a fuel seems like an anachronism, especially in an era of tighter air-emission rules, […]

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Greenwood Clean Energy Showcases New Class of Wood Boiler at Annual National Bioenergy Day

Washington state company showcases it patented ground-breaking residential wood boiler technology. Greenwood’s cloud-enabled wood boiler delivers long term high performance, low maintenance and energy saving benefits to rural and small town homeowners. REDMOND, Wash. (October 21, 2015) – In honor of National Bioenergy Day, Greenwood Clean Energy opened the doors of its Development and Innovation Center […]

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Are Oil Companies Endangering California’s Water Supply?

The Center for Biological Diversity and the Sierra Club filed a suit against the Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR), a Californian regulatory body that allegedly allows oil drillers to pump contaminated water back into aquifers. California oil drillers have been receiving a lot of negative attention lately on the environmental front, with […]

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Washington Throws Weight Behind Biomass Fuel

Wood boiler owners and enthusiasts are already well aware of the environmental benefits of biomass fuel. Biomass fuel is extremely sustainable, thanks to contemporary methods of responsible forestry and incredibly efficient burning rates. It also provides cozy, natural heat with minimal re-stoking! But the advantages of biomass boilers are becoming obvious to the government, too, […]

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How To Size Your Wood Boiler

We have a lot of people asking us how to best determine the proper size or output of a wood boiler for their home. There are a bunch of things to consider when sizing a wood boiler – home insulation, interior/exterior temperatures, wood type/quality to name a few. Avoid a Common Mistake One of the […]

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