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A Look at the Future of Biomass Energy

If you have ever wondered about the current state of research and development of technologies for utilizing wood for the production of energy, your wait is over. A new report from the University of Tennessee Office of Bioenergy Programs and the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities reviews the current state of R&D of technologies […]

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Greenwood Announced Winner of BUILDERnews Best Products of 2008

It always a nice surprise when someone notices your work. We were recently surprised by an award for Best Product of 2008 from BUILDERnews magazine.  Winners were selected because they reflected significant contributions to the homebuilding industry, by raising the bar and pushing the limits for technology, efficiency and affordability while taking into account environmental concerns. Take a read […]

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EPA Phase II Announcement

This past week we were in Vermont for the EPA’s announcement of the Phase II Hydronic Heater Program. After you get past the name (which is a general term that refers to pellet, corn and wood boilers) you might ask  yourself what is so significant about this program? First, as a consumer it means that […]

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Maine Home Energy Loan Program (HELP)

Maine residents pay attention! Finally someone has figured out how to provide meaningful financial help to those families who are in a tight spot this winter due to the high costs of heating fuel. The folks up in Maine are leading the US in providing an innovative loan program for qualified homeowners. MaineHousing’s Home Energy […]

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Emergency Bill for Heating Fuel Loans

According to the New England Fuel Institute, an emergency home heating loan bill (H.R. 6920) has been introduced to the US Congress that would guarantee loans for up to $5,000 for consumers who did not exceed 150% of median household income for 2008 or 2009. I recognize that these programs have their place and there […]

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Good vs Bad Wood Boilers

The outdoor wood boiler (outdoor wood-fired furnace) good versus bad conversation continues to heat up. Just to make sure everyone sees Greenwood in the right light, we have the good products. Greenwood only makes clean burning wood boilers. In fact, as of the date of this post, we have the cleanest indoor and outdoor wood boilers as determined by […]

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Fuel Oil Subsidies

Recently there has been increased press coverage regarding the steps some state and provincial governments are taking to ensure that people can afford to stay warm this winter. Take a look at what is happening in Canada in this article from The Canadian Press. If you want a dose of reality — take a look at this article from […]

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