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EPA Announces Three-year Deferral on Greenhouse Gas Permitting Requirements

Earlier this week, the Obama administration put a three-year hold on determining the permitting requirements for carbon dioxide emissions from biomass-fired and other biogenic sources.  The surprise delay dealt a blow to green groups’ hopes for stricter pollution controls on wood-burning incinerators, while the biomass industry breathed a sigh of relief. Since the the initial […]

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New York State Adopts Stricter Regulations for New Outdoor Wood Boilers

In a surprise move, two months after putting the regulation on hold, the NY DEC approved stricter regulations for new outdoor wood boilers effective April 15th, 2011. Like many other northeastern states, New York follows the format of much of the EPA voluntary OWHH standard — this includes: emission performance, wood boiler stack height, approved […]

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Google Tool Helps Monitor World’s Forests

Earlier this month, Google announced a new technology platform (Google Earth Engine) designed to help scientists — and ultimately developing countries — monitor deforestation and land use trends. According to Google, the Earth Engine brings together the world’s satellite imagery—trillions of scientific measurements dating back more than 25 years—and makes it available online with tools […]

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Draft Air Pollution Rules for Boilers Were Too Strict, EPA Air Chief Says

According to the New York Times, the U.S. EPA is modifying their ruling on industrial boilers. Having taken comment on controversial new regulations for industrial boilers and citing opposition from business leaders and lawmakers, the U.S. EPA now believes that some pollution limits in the draft rules “were simply too tight to be able to […]

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BioEnergy Atlas

Last month, the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) released the BioEnergy Atlas, a Web portal that provides access to bio-energy analysis and mapping tools. The visualization tools, BioPower and BioFuels Atlas, allow users to view related bio-energy data on a single map. Some of these data include biomass feedstocks, bio-power and […]

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