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UK Minister for Energy & Climate Change Greg Barker Visits Greenwood

As part of his visit to the Pacific Northwest, UK Minister for Energy & Climate Change Greg Barker visited the production facilities of Greenwood Clean Energy in Tacoma, Washington. As Minister at the British Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC), Minister Barker has overseen the development and implementation of a number of policies to […]

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The Biomass Thermal Utilization Act Provides 30% Tax Credit on High-Efficiency Wood Boilers

Imagine someone handing you a $3,000 check. And this is after saving over 70% on your heating bill by using a high-efficiency biomass heating system. That’s a pretty sweet deal. This image is one step closer to reality with the introduction of the Biomass Thermal Utilization Act of 2013. The proposed BTU Act would amend […]

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Charge Your Phone with Burning Twigs

I must say, the folks at BioLite are clever. Using the cook stove technology they developed to aid in reducing indoor air pollution in the developing world, they have also built a brilliant little gadget for the weekend camper. With their camp stove, you can burn almost anything you can find in the woods – […]

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