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UK Minister for Energy & Climate Change Greg Barker Visits Greenwood

As part of his visit to the Pacific Northwest, UK Minister for Energy & Climate Change Greg Barker visited the production facilities of Greenwood Clean Energy in Tacoma, Washington. As Minister at the British Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC), Minister Barker has overseen the development and implementation of a number of policies to […]

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The Biomass Thermal Utilization Act Provides 30% Tax Credit on High-Efficiency Wood Boilers

Imagine someone handing you a $3,000 check. And this is after saving over 70% on your heating bill by using a high-efficiency biomass heating system. That’s a pretty sweet deal. This image is one step closer to reality with the introduction of the Biomass Thermal Utilization Act of 2013. The proposed BTU Act would amend […]

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Ways to Reduce Your Need for Heat

Keeping your home warm throughout the winter is always a cause for concern. If there is an exceptionally bad month, your heating bills could be unbelievably high. Although there are eco-friendly ways to produce heat, such as wood or solar heating, there are some cost-effective ways to reduce how much you need. How do you […]

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Removing Creosote Stains from Concrete


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Building a Fire in Your Greenwood Furnace

The Greenwood Frontier Series CX is a high efficiency wood gasification boiler which requires understanding varied heat demands based on the outside conditions, but the first fire whether it is the first fire ever or the first fire of the heating season requires special attention to detail for conditioning the refractory needed to get the […]

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Fluid Water Treatment Guidelines

Under our continuous improvement efforts, we are providing you with this technical bulletin covering Greenwood products. Proper fluid quality management is essential to protect the investment and longevity of Greenwood boilers. This bulletin outlines the Greenwood approved standards for boiler water treatment. Fluid Testing and Treatment Before filling the boiler with water, draw a sample […]

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Installation Clearances

The Frontier Series is certified for safety as an INDOOR APPLIANCE, so by adhering to installation clearances it can be installed in a walk out basement, garage, out-building or almost any location where the unit is sheltered from the weather and insulated from intake air below 40°F (4.5°C).  DO NOT install this furnace in a […]

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