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Heat is a basic and often overlooked or expected part of your daily life. You need to heat water for cooking or cleaning; you must keep yourself warm and during the dead of winter, you need to heat your house. For all these activities, you have several products including gas or oil furnace or wood […]

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The Biomass Thermal Utilization Act Provides 30% Tax Credit on High-Efficiency Wood Boilers

Imagine someone handing you a $3,000 check. And this is after saving over 70% on your heating bill by using a high-efficiency biomass heating system. That’s a pretty sweet deal. This image is one step closer to reality with the introduction of the Biomass Thermal Utilization Act of 2013. The proposed BTU Act would amend […]

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A Modern Day Parable About Home Heating: A Look at Heating Assistance Contingency Funds

As part of the federal government’s initiative to reduce spending, the contingency budget for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) that provides heating assistance for those with low incomes was cut by 67%, from $591 million to just $200 million. LIHEAP is a federally-funded program that helps low-income households pay their home heating and […]

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New York State Adopts Stricter Regulations for New Outdoor Wood Boilers

In a surprise move, two months after putting the regulation on hold, the NY DEC approved stricter regulations for new outdoor wood boilers effective April 15th, 2011. Like many other northeastern states, New York follows the format of much of the EPA voluntary OWHH standard — this includes: emission performance, wood boiler stack height, approved […]

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