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One of the great things about a Greenwood boiler is that it can be attached to many different types of heating systems. But how do you know which heating system you have, and what’s the difference? There are two primary kinds of heating systems in most North American homes – forced air and radiant heat. […]

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What Makes Greenwood Boilers “Green?”

People don’t usually associate wood boilers with green or renewable energy. In reality, the technology behind biomass boilers has made great strides in the last 10 years and the Greenwood Frontier Series is at the leading edge of those achievements. By studying how wood actually burns we can shed some light on how the Greenwood […]

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10 Surprising Facts About Water

As a boiler company, we spend a lot of time talking about fire, but we don’t talk too much about water. So to add some balance, here is some intriguing trivia about water that the folks at Waterless put together. 1. Water boils quicker in Denver, Colorado than in New York City (the altitude). 2. […]

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How to Save Up to 80% on Your Energy Bill

Many energy companies are scrambling to find new ways to cut corners and save on costs without passing the benefits onto their consumers. Not only can switching to sustainable energy sources extricate you from their shenanigans, green energy can save you money and reduce your home’s impact on the environment. Greenwood Frontier CX wood boilers […]

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